Nouveautés Lychnologiques – Lychnological News

L. Chrzanovski (ed.)

Nouveautés Lychnologiques – Lychnological News

Sierre 2003

Pages : 284, 535 ill.
Editor : Chaman Edition (
ISBN: 2-9700435-0-5



L. Chrzanovski, Editorial, pp. 5-8

D. Paunier, Avant-Propos, pp. 9-12

S. De Beaune, De la domestication du feu aux premières lampes, pp. 13-20

M. Barbera, Modelli culturali egemoni sulle lucerne romano-imperiali: teatro, anfiteatro e circo, pp. 21-48

V. Fabbri, Lucerne da Classe: proposta per una tipologia, in L.  Chrzanovski (dir.), Nouveautés Lychnologiques, Sierre 2004, pp. 49-78

A. Ferraresi, Due lucerne in bronzo dal territorio di Sermide (Mantova), pp. 79-90

J. M. Fossey, Illuminating the Black Sea in Antiquity, pp. 91-96

J. M. Fossey, E.P. Zoïtopoúlou, A “Poor Man’s” Lamp?,  pp. 97-98

E. Grassi, Milano: elementi per un inquadramento cronologico e produttivo delle lucerne rinvenute negli scavi nell’ area dell’Università cattolica, pp. 99-110

M. Hershkovitz, Lamps Decorated with Human Faces from the Excavations at the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem, pp. 111-114

A. Karivieri, Lychnological news from the Museum of Antiquities at Lund University, pp. 115-122

A. Larese, Le lucerne romane fittili e bronzee del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Adria, pp. 123-146

S. Loffreda, Alcune lucerne fittili di Cafarnao, pp. 147-154

M.-F. Meylan Krause, Lampes des IIe et IIIe s. de la domus Tiberiana (Rome, Palatin), pp. 155-174

R. Mikati, Faustus the Early Roman Lamp Maker Visits Beirut Evidence of a Tyre-based Production, pp. 175-180

A. Mlasowsky, Eine Lampe mit dem Bildnis des Domitian in Hannover,  pp. 181-186

A. Morillo Cerdán, Implantación romana y asimilación cultural en la hispania septentrional a través de los testimonios lucernarios,  pp. 187-206

J.-L. Podvin, La triade Isis – Harpocrate – Anubis sur des lampes africaines, pp. 207-210

F. G. Rodríguez Martín, Las lucernas romana de la villa de Torre Águila: Las marcas de alfarero,  pp. 211-222

V. Sussman, Secular and Religious Life in the Holy Land in the Roman and Byzantine Periods as illustrated on Oil Lamps, pp. 223-236

L. Wilmet, Lampes à volutes du Musée de Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), pp. 237-250

C.-H. Wunderlich, Light and Economy An Essay About the Economy of Prehistoric and Ancient Lamps, pp. 251-264

E. P. Zoïtopoúlou, Nouvelles lampes de la collection de l’Université McGill, pp. 265-283

lychnological news